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Atheism is Mathematically Impossible

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2023 5:19 am
by Real_News_Links
It is Mathematically Impossible for There to be NO Creator

In 1943, the distinguished French mathematician Émile Borel stated that “events with a sufficiently small probability never occur” (Institute of Mathematical Statistics).

Dr. Borel chose a fairly safe number, 10 to the MINUS 50. This is one chance in 10 to the 50th power.

For you average folks, that is expressed as one in 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. Anything with a lower probability than that would not happen, said Borel the numbers man.

Is it hard to wrap your head around that one? How's this:

The “infinite monkey theorem” this states that if enough monkeys pound the keys of enough typewriters (hundred of trillions?) they will eventually write the complete works of Shakespeare. While this is theoretically possible, in fact, it can never happen, and therefore constitutes a "statistical" or mathematical impossibility.

As for Earth and Man, the odds that the number of variables needed for life to just come about on its own, from the earth being the right size and the right distance from the sun, tilted on the correct axis, to the chemical make-up of all the elements and the combination of water and land, to life itself just spontaneously coming into being, and then evolving into man, and all the millions of other variables that come in between those . . . .the odds of that number of variables actually coming together by chance is far beyond 10 to the power of 50, and therefore while it is theoretically possible, it is actually no more possible than a monkey accidentally typing the entire works of Shakespeare.

So, there you go all you big science and math fans. God must exist. The math says so.